Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bo x Elder Bug Genocide


We have a pretty decent sized Bo x Elder Tree in out back yard.  A few months ago my roommate and I realized we had all these funny little bugs all around the back yard.  A little time went by... then a couple weeks ago we realized they were pretty much dominating the back yard.  There was a large colony living on my roommate's window sill, an occasional bug in the house, a bug in my car, many bugs on the door screens, and bugs crawling everywhere.  Anyways, we thought it was time to do something about the problem.  I googled "red bug" and somehow found out that we had a Bo x Elder Bug problem.  They live next to Bo x Elder Trees, Maple trees, etc.  It might be hard to tell from these shots, but the bugs have a striking resemblance to the buds of the tree.  Off to Safeway I went and purchased a nice can of Raid.  We went to town one afternoon.  They never knew what hit them.



The battle was won but I think the outcome of the war might be in their favor.  They just have too many numbers..

Sorry for the morbid content.  I'm actually a big fan of nature.  The last issue of the paper was last week.  I have no more real assignments.

Thanks for looking.