Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Portland Style Photo Walk

Yeah it's been a while.  My bad.

By Portland style, I mean take pictures of urban objects, contrast the crap out of them, add a Biggie Smalls amount of vignetting, and post them on my blog.  OK. OK. I'm sorry to all my Portland friends.  No hard feelings.  Anyways, I figured it had been too long since I busted the camera out so I rang Ham and we went on a lil walk.  I had full intentions of getting my Portland on.  I'll spare you misery of the contrasty shots of "Lost Cat" signs and smashed Starbucks cups covered in mud on the side of the road.  Here are some others:
I hadn't used my 50-200mm in a long time. So it got some time on the camera...till the sun went down and it was way too slow.
Here is a photo of a native Ashlander in it's natural environment.  AKA lazy toolbag with a large mustache getting no exercise on his Segway.  I've conveniently added vignetting to bring out the douchie-ness.
50mm at 1.7 under a railroad car.
OK.  Thats enough sarcasm and judgment for the day.  I'll leave ya'll with Zumiez-colored mini cameras and come back with some real photos.

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of the native ashlander, keep up the great stories!
